Maundy Thursday is the Thursday before Easter, believed to be the day when Jesus celebrated his final Passover with His disciples. Most notably, that Passover meal was when Jesus washed the feet of His disciples in an extraordinary display of humility. He then commanded them to do the same for each other. We begin the solemn remembrance of what Jesus did for us with worship and communion. Worship will be at 7:00 pm at Buckhorn UMC
Good Friday is a very important day for all Christians. On Good Friday, we remember that Jesus died for everyone. He was crucified by the Romans on a hill outside Jerusalem although he had not done anything wrong. We can not fully experience the joy of Easter without Good Friday. Worship will be at 7:00 pm at Ebenezer UMC
Easter Sunrise Service we will begin our joyous Easter celebration at Harris Lake at Cross Point boat ramp with the community to celebrate our risen savior. Coffee and breakfast sweets will be provided. 7:00 am at Harris Lake Cross Point boat ramp
Easter Sunday We will celebrate our risen savior with song, praise, and communion at 9:00 am Please bring flowers form your garden or local florist to adorn our Lenten cross that stood as a reminder or our journey this season. To start our Easter celebration, we will cover the cross with those flowers and transform it from old rugged wood to living in glory. We will also gather as normal for brunch following service.
Lenten Bag Challenge
Each day of Lent you have been invited to remove one item from your closet that you no longer wear/need and place it into a bag. Now that your bags are full it is time to share those items with our community Moncure School.
Please bring your bags anytime you are ready between now and Easter morning. The bags can be dropped off in the fellowship hall just to the right of the door. The bags will be taken to Moncure School, and a free yard sale will be set up Saturday, April 27. If you are able, we would love your help at the School at 7 am to sort and set up. The free sale will be from 8-11 and then the left overs will be donated to Chatham PTA.